The Common-Tater
We are hiring! We are seeking to hire a part time driver for immediate start. Job entails restaurant deliveries, requires excellent customer relation skills and involves some heavy lifting. G licence and clean abstract are required. Knowledge of the GTA is an asset. Resumes can be emailed to [email protected]
Today we say farewell to someone who has been working at our farm for over 20 years. Roberto has been a dedicated, hard-working and reliable employee, and he has done so much for us over the years. His experience picking sweet corn, driving the tractors, and understanding the flow of the jobs at our farm is invaluable. It is with great bitter sweetness that we send him southbound to Mexico for the very last time. We will miss him so much, but know that he will be enjoying his family in a very much deserved retirement. All the best to you Roberto!
I’m so excited to introduce all of you to my “Little Rosies!” I’ve been patiently waiting for them to grow for months now, and they’re finally ready to sell at the farm stand. My novelty potatoes will add an element of colour and fun to your dinner plate (plus they complement our sweet corn perfectly.) These pale, pink-skin potatoes were hand-planted and hand-harvested. They will be available at the farm stand for the next few weekends. I suggest wrapping them in foil and cooking them on the BBQ to maintain their subtle colouring. You can visit “At The Door” for directions to our farm.
Today is National Potato Day, so why not swing by our farm stand and grab some freshly dug, white or yellow potatoes? Then you can celebrate the humble spud by having our new potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner! We have beautiful, home grown sweet corn as well as fresh produce from local farms to further please your palate. If you’re looking for inspiration for tasty, creative potato dishes, feel free to visit my “Recipe” page for many original potato and sweet corn dishes. Happy Potato Day!
Please welcome the newest addition to our family here at the farm! Young Riley is just 9 weeks old. He travelled here all the way from Mount Pleasant, Michigan. He’s a pure bred Jack Russel terrier, and he has tons of energy to burn already. In fact, we may need to buy a bigger farm for him! Stay tuned for more news about our little guy as he lives the #LifeoRiley here at the farm.
The Common-TaterThompson Potato FarmFarming is fascinating! Archives
August 2024
© 2024 Thompson Potato Farm