The Common-Tater
What do farmers do in January? I’m asked this question rather often, so I prepared this collage of the 4 of us working hard at playing. RJ is developing his engineering career; Curtis pursues a new interest in watercolour painting, and I am busy perfecting the fine art of cuddling. And as for John, he seems to be the only one of us with real energy as he attends truck school to attain his AZ license. Of course, while we definitely enjoy a quieter time at the farm, we are still busy packing and delivering our potatoes to our customers and unbelievably already ramping up for the 2025 growing season. You can visit “The Faces Of Our Farm 2024” to see a video of all of us hard at work during the fall harvest.
Welcome to day 6 of “Ontario Agriculture Week” where we celebrate Ontario farms and the bounty of food grown in Ontario. It’s also “National Farmers Day.” So much to celebrate! RJ, John and Curtis are the farmers who work together to grow our crops every year. Today they will be pushing hard to get as many potatoes into the storage as possible before the forecasted 3 day rain even arrives this evening. So if you happen to see them today, or any other farmer for that matter, send them a shout out “thank you!” A simple kind word will boost tired spirits and inspire them with fresh energy to keep them going during the exhausting harvest season. You can visit “National Farmers Day” to learn more about family farming.
Welcome to day 5 of “Ontario Agriculture Week” where we celebrate Ontario farms and the bounty of food grown in Ontario. We are proud to be the faces behind the food on your table. There is a wide variety of jobs to complete and we all have our areas of expertise. From fieldwork to storing potatoes, from stocking the farm stand to providing customer care in the office, you can be certain that we do what we do because we love farming. Even Riley works during the busy harvest offering companionship as he tags along in the tractors! You can visit “The Faces Of Our Farm” subcategory in The Common-Tater to learn more about who we are and what we do.
Join me as I celebrate “Ontario Agriculture Week” with a social media blitz. There are so many ways to celebrate Ontario farmers, and I only have so much time to write blogs. I promise I’ll do my best to give you some new insights into the operations of our farm! I can’t think of a better way to kick start this week than by recognizing the incredible, hard working men who quietly do their jobs behind the scenes here at the farm.
From left to right, meet Dionisio, Abelardo, Curtis, Cornelio, Josue, Isaias, Darren and Eduardo. These are the men who pack our potatoes, pick our sweet corn & pumpkins, and stock our produce stand. They come to work with a smile on their face and help wherever they’re needed. We couldn’t do what we do without them. So from the bottom of our hearts, we thank these dedicated agriculture workers! You can visit “Sweet Corn Fields” to see a drone video of these men picking our sweet corn. Today we say farewell to someone who has been working at our farm for over 20 years. Roberto has been a dedicated, hard-working and reliable employee, and he has done so much for us over the years. His experience picking sweet corn, driving the tractors, and understanding the flow of the jobs at our farm is invaluable. It is with great bitter sweetness that we send him southbound to Mexico for the very last time. We will miss him so much, but know that he will be enjoying his family in a very much deserved retirement. All the best to you Roberto!
The Common-TaterThompson Potato FarmFarming is fascinating! Archives
December 2024
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